-------TONI LAMOTTA ----------------- REINVENTING WOMEN ---------- -------MIDLIFE MESSAGES ---------- CONTACT DR.TONI

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Women In Midlife - Opening To An Experience Of Oneness With All Of Life Changes Your Own Midlife

As we move through midlife, we go through many stages of spiritual growth. Often, we learn to move from being victim, to being fully responsible for manifesting in our lives. We then learn to surrender to something higher than ourselves, though fully part of ourselves.

The final stage of spiritual growth is one that not too many people talk about, because it is one of which we achieve only glimpses. This is the stage of spiritual growth that the ancient mystics called the Unitive way and that enlightened masters call a state of Oneness.

To move from level three to four, we have to come into a greater state of beingness. We have to give up our sense of separation.. a personal sense of a life apart from God.

You'll notice that even when you pray, sometimes there still is this sense that there is your life and there is the Life of God somewhere else. For years, that still happens. But, with every insight, or spiritual revelation or realization, you have moments of becoming aware that the life of God that is in you, the life of God that surrounds you, the life of God that is everywhere IS your life and the personal sense of a life apart from God begins to diminish..

So the sense of separation - to move into that state of being - that sense of separation begins to dissolve. This level is so important because it is possible to have a sincere surrender, release and let Go to the presence of God while you retain a sense of duality.

I had the privilege of going to India last year to a place known as the Oneness University. I was there for 21 days and we were invited to stay in silence. Each day we were showered with an energy transfer then known as Deeksha (it's now called the Oneness Blessing). The simplest thing I can say about that experience is that it took me out of my mind. I began to allow myself to experience things rather than analyze them. (that's BIG for me!) - To this day, I find that practice easier than ever before. I discovered that living in a state of Oneness is a gift of grace.

I invite you to research the Oneness Movement and to check out this phenomena. Or, at the very least, start to notice where you live in separation - the me and the not me, the mine and yours syndrome. The first step is oneness with ourselves, then with one another, then with the animals, plants and life around us and finally with all that is, or God Itself.

When you find yourself getting restless and wondering what life is about, remember the words of St. Augustine (pulling this out of my past!) - "Our hearts are restless until we rest in thee." We are made to experience this Oneness and when we do, nothing else matters. I have the privilege of sharing the Oneness Blessing each week and I notice that the more I allow myself to receive, the greater my experience of midlife becomes.

And so, I would like to offer a support system for opening to grace and getting and keeping clear in your life. When you subscribe to my free Women Reinvent Midlife newsletter, you'll even receive a special report called, "7 Secrets for Reinventing Midlife from the Inside-Out". You can get your copy right now at http://www.reinventmidlife.com

From Dr. Toni LaMotta, Midlife Reinvention Specialist and Spiritual Life Clarity Coach

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Women In Midlife - Are You Visioning Or Visualizing? The Difference Will Lead You To A Fuller Life

Have you learned how to relax more in midlife and start moving from MAKING things happen to allowing them to happen? This is a critical step in moving through midlife - especially as women.

Most of us live our lives moving back and forth between being victim and believing that life is happening to us and being manifestors or co-creators and knowing that we are responsible for what is coming into our lives. (stages 1 and 2 of spiritual growth are known as TO ME and BY ME)

The third stage of spiritual growth, known as THROUGH ME, is all about allowing things to happen rather than making them or forcing them.

All my life I've known that I could have or do anything that I put my mind down to. Clear focus, persistence and action do produce results. When we set goals, focus on them and take daily action, we do see them happen. This is often done with lots of effort and strain. But, there is truly an easier way.

I remember once hearing Dr. Michael Beckwith, Director of the Agape Center in CA (of 'The Secret" fame) say, "This is the stage where we stop making things happen and begin to make them welcome."

While visualization - the practice of deciding what you want and focusing on it happening is a major tool for stage two development, the process of Visioning is a stage three tool where you sit in silence asking of your higher self, the Universe, or God as you see it, "What is Your highest idea for me in this area..."

In other articles, I'll be sharing more about this as I speak more about processes we can use when reinventing ourselves. For now, here's a reference I use for more information: http://religiousscience.org/ucrs_site/education/visioning.html

Are you ready to give up Control?

Once you get good at manifestation but want to move onto a higher state, you need to give up Control. That's a tough one, right - particularly if you're a control freak - at times - Its' difficult; particularly if you've been buffered around by life and someone tells you, You can have it all. "It's the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom", you can manifest life the way you want it to be, you can experience the kingdom, if you can see it you can have it.

Truly life-changing results

Once you start truly manifesting, you begin to change your life. Your body begins to heal; your body of affairs begin to take on the shape of beauty and harmony and wholeness and prosperity, etc. There's no way you want to give up control! That only happens as a result of your awareness that the will of God is Good - it is not chaotic - it is a greater order than we can make for ourselves.

So, every time we pray; every time we meditate, every time we speak the word; every time we do a spiritual mind treatment, we're coming into a greater awareness that the Spirit of God is for us not against us- that the will of God and my heart's desire is the same thing - there is no difference between my inner heart's desire and the will of God - They're the same - that the Spirit of God recreated me in its own image and likeness to reveal all that God is in a most magnificent and beautiful way - and as I know that - I become more willing to release - I'm willing to let go of control so that spontaneously goodness can begin to flow through me - without my making it happen - I become aware that something has happened and I participate in that..

In the ZONE

Now, all of you have had that experience - perhaps in your writing, in art, in athletics, there came a moment when suddenly you were in the Zone and beyond what you could image or make happen, you went beyond your borders and your boundary and experiences something and revealed some piece of music or some piece of art that was beyond what you really could make happen and sometimes you even feel somehow that you didn't do it - it was done through you.
Those are moment of the Spirit operating through you, when you weren't trying to make it happen but you were totally involved in it. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Learning to Rest

Okay so, when we become willing to let go of control and to rest in the Spirit with the awareness that the Will of God and our heart's desire is the same thing, then this happens more and more and more. We become more and more in present moment, more and more in now moment, and more and more of the spontaneous goodness takes place beyond our ability to plan for it, beyond our ability to control it. We've done so much work at this level that we can let go. What a glorious place to be! And so, do everything you can to help yourself stay in that state and create a midlife worth having.

And so, I would like to offer a support system for getting and keeping clear in your life. When you subscribe to my free Women Reinvent Midlife newsletter, you'll even receive a special report called, "7 Secrets for Reinventing Midlife from the Inside-Out". You can get your copy right now at http://www.reinventmidlife.com
From Dr. Toni LaMotta, Midlife Reinvention Specialist and Spiritual Life Clarity Coach.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Women In Midlife - Life Is Finally In Order

I remember as a child hearing that "Order is heaven's first law." I think it was when my mother wanted me to clean my room. In addition, I know that my friend Judy used to say, "Order is about finding a place for everything and then it is about remembering where it is." Therefore, order is really about knowing where everything is. That is the kind of order I hire an assistant for. It could not be an innate Divine Quality, or it would have come naturally. Straightening out my desk does not come naturally to me. Keeping clean closets and drawers? For some it comes naturally, but for the rest of us?

If you study personality types, you understand there are different ways of being. Therefore, the above could not exactly be what order as a Divine Quality means. However, the very fact that most of us, including myself, have a longing to have things in their proper place, (I really feel better when they are that way) and that is why I get someone else to do those things. Therefore, it is an indication that there is something here to look at. You can relax because I am not going to tell you that order definitely means a clean desk, because you will check mine! Instead, I want to share a story.

A Navajo Indian and his friend were in downtown New York City, walking near Times Square in Manhattan. It was during the noon lunch hour and the streets were filled with people. Cars were honking their horns, taxicabs were squealing around corners, sirens were wailing. The sounds of the city were almost deafening. Suddenly the Navajo said, "I hear a cricket." His friend said, "What? You must be crazy. You couldn't possibly hear a cricket in all of this noise!" "No, I'm sure of it," the Navajo said, "I heard a cricket." "That's crazy," said the friend. The Native American listened carefully for a moment, and then walked across the street to a big cement planter where some shrubs were growing. He looked into the bushes, beneath the branches, and sure enough, he located a small cricket.

His friend was utterly amazed. "That's incredible," said his friend. "You must have super-human ears!" "No." said the Navajo, "My ears are no different from yours. It all depends on what you're listening for." "But that can't be!" said the friend. "I could never hear a cricket in this noise." Yes, it's true," came the reply. "It depends on what is really important to you. Here, let me show you. " He reached into his pocket, pulled out a few coins, and discreetly dropped them on the sidewalk. Then, with the noise of the crowded street still blaring in their ears, they noticed every head within twenty feet turn and look to see if the money that tinkled onto the pavement was theirs. "See what I mean?" asked the Navajo. "It all depends on what's important to you."
What is important to you? What do you listen for? What are you hearing lately? When you listen to the news? When your friends talk? When you listen to your own internal dialog? What do your eyes see? Do you see a world that is torn by strife and terrorism? Do you see lack and limitation all around you? Do you see not-enoughness? Do you see random events happening with no control over them? Do you see chaos? Alternatively, do you see with a different set of eyes and hear with your inner ears that KNOW without a doubt that everything? In addition, I do mean everything. Is in perfect Divine Order. After all, if you know "the Secret", it all works by the Law of Attraction.

Dr. Toni LaMotta is an expert at helping women reinvent themselves and experience transformation from the inside-out. She is an international keynote speaker, author of What You RELLY Want, Wants You , a spiritual life clarity coach and midlife reinvention specialist for individuals and corporations. To get a copy of her Free report: "7 secrets to Reinvent Midlife From the Inside-Out", go to http://www.reinventmidlife.com